what is the qcaa?
The Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol (QCAA) is a coalition of like-minded health and community organisations in Queensland committed to reducing alcohol-related harm.
The QCAA is fashioned on the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA). It comprises a number of organisations within Queensland who have an interest in alcohol harm reduction and/or public health.
The founding members of QCAA are Healthy Options Australia, the Australian Medical Association Queensland (AMAQ), Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre (QADREC), the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), and Lives Lived Well.
join the growing membership
of the qcaa

Australian Drug Foundation Qld
Australian College of Emergency Medicine
Australian Medical Association Qld
Cancer Council Qld
Collaboration for Alcohol Related Developmental Disorders
Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
Drug ARM
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education​
Lives Lived Well
Royal Australasia College of Surgeons
Salvation Army
Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre
Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group
Queensland Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies