Alcohol has a complex role in our society. While some Queenslanders abstain from alcohol altogether, alcohol consumption has been embedded in the cultural fabric of Australian life. This longstanding norm conceals alcohol’s role in serious issues such as domestic and family violence, that demand our urgent attention.
Beyond its role in social gatherings and celebrations, alcohol contributes to a range of harmful effects that hurt our communities, health systems, and economy. The widespread availability and cultural endorsement of alcohol often overshadow its potential for harm, with many Queenslanders unaware of the severe consequences of moderate consumption such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease, mental health issues and other chronic diseases.
Recent measures, such as the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence initiatives, have demonstrated progress in managing these issues. These policies have made significant strides in enhancing safety and reducing violence in Queensland's entertainment precincts. However, there remains a clear and pressing need for continued and expanded efforts.
Our policy platform outlines key policies recommended by the Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol for adoption by the next Queensland Government. Our 4 Point Plan aims to foster a healthier, safer, and more vibrant Queensland for all.
In this election, we urge all political leaders and parties to put the health and wellbeing of Queenslander’s first by adopting evidence-based alcohol policies. As an alliance, we are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders and we look forward to doing this in partnership with the next Queensland Government.