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Last Drinks:QLD and Commonwealth GovernmentInvest inrigorous independent evaluation –MEDIA RELEAse

Updated: Sep 3, 2018

16 September 2016: The sunshine state’s 2am last drinks and associated measures will be independently evaluated by a team of Australia’s leading alcohol researchers in a Queensland and Commonwealth funded project unprecedented in both its size and scope.

The $1.2 million Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (known as QUANTEM), is funded by the Queensland Government and by the Commonwealth Government under the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects scheme.

Additional funding and in-kind support is provided by project partners; the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, Lives Lived Well, the Australian Rechabite Foundation and Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre.

The first of its kind project capitalises on a unique opportunity to evaluate the effect of the state-wide alcohol policies introduced in Queensland from 1 July 2016 – including a 2am cessation of alcohol service, or ‘last drinks’, dor all licensed venues.



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