Ban alcohol advertising and promotions on Queensland Government property to protect children and young people
Queenslanders, like other Australians, are rightly concerned about the impact of alcohol advertising on children and young people. They are also concerned that the alcohol industry targets young people under 18 years of age (60 per cent), who are particularly vulnerable to alcohol harm. Research shows that the attitudes and behaviours of young people are influenced by alcohol advertising. The volume of alcohol advertising exposure is the strongest predictor of future consumption patterns in young people, including earlier initiation of alcohol consumption, and heavier consumption among people who already drink. Sixty-two per cent of Queenslanders support a ban of alcohol advertising on public transport. Advertising of alcohol products and licensed venues should also be banned on other government property such as office buildings and public spaces.
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Ban #alcohol advertising on public transport & buildings to reduce young people’s exposure to these ads #qldpol #qldvotes @camerondickqld @JPLangbroek @AnnastaciaMP @TimNichollsMP @RobKatter3 @QldGreens @DrAnthonyLynham
60% of Queenslanders believe the alcohol industry targets young people under 18 years of age #qldpol #qldvotes @camerondickqld @JPLangbroek @AnnastaciaMP @TimNichollsMP @RobKatter3 @QldGreens @DrAnthonyLynham Thank you for your support in promoting these measures necessary and popular measures to reduce alcohol harm.