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POLICY ASK:Control the density of licensed venues and their proximity to existing venues and others

Policy ask: Control the density of licensed venues and their proximity to existing venues and other amenities to better manage the mix of business types in areas with high levels of alcohol harm.

People want to enjoy their night out and feel safe, yet polling undertaken at the start of 2017 revealed that nearly half of Queensland adults (47 per cent) had experienced alcohol-related harm in the previous 12 months. Research has shown that the risk of alcohol-related harm increases as the density of liquor licences increases and that takeaway outlets contribute more substantially to the risk. Different population groups are exposed to higher concentrations of liquor outlets, with people living in disadvantaged areas of a major city having access to twice as many takeaway liquor outlets as those in the wealthiest areas. (Page 8 Election Platform)

QCAA will continue sharing content about the Platform on social media, and would appreciate it if you could also encourage your networks to share with their connections. You can support us by: 1. Creating your own tweets (you can use the images attached) 2. Using the tweets below 3. Re-tweeting @QLDCAA tweets on Twitter

Tweets you can share: • Manage density of licensed venues to reduce #alcohol-related harm. Download Election Platform: #qldpol • Risk of #alcohol-related harm increases as the density of liquor licences increases #qldpol

Suggested Parliamentarians to tag when sharing an image: @YvetteDAth @IanWalker_MP @Katejonesqld @gracextwo @scottemerson @RobKatter3 @DrAnthonyLynham

Thank you for your support in promoting these measures necessary and popular measures to reduce alcohol harm.



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