POLICY ASK: End the sale of all take-away alcohol at 10pm to reduce the risk of alcohol-related family violence

End the sale of all take-away alcohol at 10pm to reduce the risk of alcohol-related family violence
Queenslanders are concerned about the impact of alcohol in their community and behind closed doors. Fifty-six per cent support a closing time of bottle shops of no later than 10pm. Since 80 per cent of the alcohol purchased in Australia is bought from take away liquor outlets, a proportion that has been steadily increasing, action to restrict the availability of alcohol from these venues is warranted. The Queensland Government has taken the first step to restrict the sale of take away alcohol past 10pm for new licence applications. However, 43 per cent of packaged liquor outlets still trade beyond this time. In light of the evidence of the association between family violence and take-away alcohol, QCAA calls for the 10pm close to extend to all take-away outlets in Queensland, not just new applications, and to over-the-bar sales.
QCAA will continue sharing content about the Platform on social media, and would appreciate it if you could also encourage your networks to share with their connections. You can support us by: 1. Creating your own tweets (you can use the images attached) 2. Using the tweets below 3. Re-tweeting @QLDCAA tweets on Twitter

Tweets you can share: • 43% of bottle shops trade beyond 10pm – end sale of all take-away #alcohol at 10pm to reduce the risk of alcohol-related #FDV #qldpol #qldvotes @ShannonFentiman @TimNichollsMP @JPLangbroek @camerondick @DrAnthonyLynham @RobKatter3 @QldGreens • Nearly 1 in 3 #FDV incidents are alcohol-related – #alcohol contributes to incidence & severity of violence & child abuse & neglect #qldpol @qldvotes @ShannonFentiman @TimNichollsMP @JPLangbroek @camerondick @DrAnthonyLynham @RobKatter3 @QldGreens
Today on Twitter we will be sharing two videos by Professor Peter Miller about Queensland’s life-saving alcohol harm reduction measures, so I encourage you to please share these with your networks.
Thank you for your support in promoting these necessary and popular measures to reduce alcohol harm.