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Policy Ask: Improve the collection, quality and interoperability of alcohol harms data

Improve the collection, quality and interoperability of alcohol harms data as a matter of urgency to inform decision-making and improve health outcomes

Good data requires availability of accurate data, consistency in collection and recording, and an understanding of what and why data is needed. Good data makes good policy possible. It provides policy makers with the information needed to inform the development of good policy and allows more precise evaluation of the policy. Alcohol policy is informed by police, hospitals and ambulance data, however there are significant gaps in the collection of this data. Alcohol harm data should be collected routinely in a consistent manner throughout the state, in a form that allows the data from different data sets to “talk” to each other, and be made publicly available to provide transparency and accountability. Improving the collection, quality and interoperability of this data will lead to better health outcomes across a range of measures and should be a priority for the government.

QCAA will continue sharing content about the Platform on social media, and would appreciate it if you could also encourage your networks to share with their connections. You can support us by: 1. Creating your own tweets (you can use the images attached) 2. Using the tweets below 3. Re-tweeting @QLDCAA tweets on Twitter

Tweets you can share: • Improve data quality to inform decision-making & enhance #health & social outcomes #alcohol #qldpol #QLDvotes @CameronDickQLD @JPLangbroek @MarkRyanQLD @TimManderMP @UnitedVoiceQLD @QCOSS_ • Effective #alcohol policy needs good data: collect routinely, consistently & transparently #qldpol #qldvotes @CameronDickQLD @JPLangbroek @MarkRyanQLD @TimManderMP

Today on Twitter @QLDCAA will be sharing a short video by Dr Amelia Stephens, looking at the need to address alcohol-related harms in Queensland, so I encourage you to please share the video with your networks.

Thank you for your support in promoting these necessary and popular measures to reduce alcohol harm.



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P: 0404 332 784

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