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POLICY ASK: Strengthen the risk based licencing system for on- and off-licence premises

Drink-driving campaigns in Australia have been very successful in reducing the incidence of driving under the influence and alcohol-related car crashes.

The 24/7 South Dakota Sobriety project was introduced in 2005 to tackle drink driving in South Dakota in the United States of America. The program originally targeted repeat offenders, but was later modified to include other alcohol-related crimes such as family violence. The program resulted in a 12 per cent drop in drink driving arrests and a nine per cent reduction in domestic violence assaults. The success of this program has led to its introduction in other locations within the United States. Swift and certain sanctions are applied for violations of the program, with those who refuse or fail a test being taken into custody immediately and appearing before a judge within 24 hours. A trial of the South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Program should be conducted in Queensland to investigate its effectiveness in reducing drink driving.

Tweets you can share:

• Trial the South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Project for repeat drink drivers to reduce risk of #alcohol-related #FDV #QLDpol #QLDvotes @ShannonFentiman @MarkRyanQLD @TimNichollsMP @JPLangbroek @TimManderMP @RobKatter3 @QldGreens ‏ @DrAnthonyLynham

#Alcohol-related family & domestic violence is most likely to occur on a Saturday #FDV #QLDpol #QLDvotes @ShannonFentiman @MarkRyanQLD @TimNichollsMP @JPLangbroek @TimManderMP @RobKatter3 @QldGreens ‏ @DrAnthonyLynham

• Maintain the #alcohol late night trading measures introduced in QLD until final evaluation report is considered late 2018 #qldpol #qldvotes @AnnastaciaMP @TimNichollsMP @RobKatter3 @QldGreens ‏@DrAnthonyLynham @YvetteDAth @IanWalker_MP @katejonesQld @Gracextwo


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