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POLICY ASK: Strengthen the risk based licencing system for on- and off-licence premises

Strengthen the risk based licencing system for on- and off-licence premises

Queensland’s licensing system, like those in other jurisdictions, recognises the risks associated with the sale and consumption of alcohol and variation in risk between venues. Licence fees consist of a base fee, which varies for different types of venues and in the case of community clubs, for membership size, and applies a loading for criteria associated with trading hours and compliance history. The system needs strengthening to better reflect the risks associated with alcohol consumption and sales and to tighten existing criteria.

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QCAA will continue sharing content about the Platform on social media, and would appreciate it if you could also encourage your networks to share with their connections. You can support us by: 1. Creating your own tweets (you can use the images attached) 2. Using the tweets below 3. Re-tweeting @QLDCAA tweets on Twitter

Tweets you can share: • Strengthen the risk-based licensing system for on and off licenced venues to reflect the broader risks of #alcohol #QLDpol #QLDvotes #RBL @YvetteDAth @IanWalker_MP @CameronDickQLD @JPLangbroek @RobKatter3 @QldGreens #Alcohol is associated with an average 37,000 hospitalisations and 1,300 deaths per year #RBL #QLDpol #QLDvotes @YvetteDAth @IanWalker_MP @CameronDickQLD @JPLangbroek @RobKatter3 @QldGreens

Today on Twitter @QLDCAA will be sharing a short video by Emeritus Professor Jake Najman, looking at some of the risks associated with alcohol, so we encourage you to please share the video with your networks.

Thank you for your support in promoting these necessary and popular measures to reduce alcohol harm.



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General Enquiries - QCAA Secretariat

P: 07 3620 8805 // E:

Business Hours, M - F

Media Enquiries

P: 0404 332 784

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