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IT's time to take

action on alcohol


You can help raise awareness by sharing our latest campaign messages among your 

networks and friends! OR send a message to your local member today!


In Queensland, too much harm is being caused by alcohol. Sadly, alcohol causes on average 1,300 deaths in Queensland each year. Queensland’s hospital emergency departments see on average 37,000 alcohol-related presentations annually.


We need to prevent these harms and make our communities safer.

 How you can get 







The Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol (QCAA) is urging all political parties to commit to a comprehensive, evidence-based plan to prevent alcohol harms.


You can help raise awareness of Queensland’s increasing alcohol harms and encourage your local member to commit to acting on alcohol harms by distributing the facts on alcohol among your networks and sharing our latest campaigning efforts.




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advocate in your local area



More than 100 Australians die each week because they have been exposed to alcohol, directly or indirectly. Alcohol use leads to massive numbers of deaths, injuries and a wide range of other health problems. There has been a failure to effectively address alcohol-related harm in Australia and this is nothing short of a national scandal.

You can be a part of the movement to change this. QCAA has developed an Advocacy Kit to provide you with all the tools you need to be successful in advocacting for action on alcohol.


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A great way to take action is to join us! You'll go on our mailing list and get all the latest campaign information straight to your inbox.



contact us

General Enquiries - QCAA Secretariat

P: 07 3620 8805 // E:

Business Hours, M - F


Media Enquiries

P: 0404 332 784

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